Welcome Back Letter/Carta de Bienvenida Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! Please take some time to read the welcome back letter and all the necessary information for the start of the new year.¡Bienvenido al año escolar 2020-2021! Tómese un tiempo para leer la carta de bienvenida y toda la información necesaria para el comienzo del nuevo año.
Food Services will be closed Aug. 3-7, 2020. Grab and Go Meals will be provided at Pico Park, Smith Park, Rivera Park and Rio Hondo Park. Lunches will resume August 10th.
Register for TK & Kindergarten now Click on title and receive important information. Go to the "Parents" tab and click on the "School Registration" link for actual registration.
5th Grade Promotion Information As we began to approach the end of the school year, we would like to provide information regarding the 5th-grade promotion. Please take some time to review the attached flyer which includes all necessary information and the safety guidelines that will be followed. Also included is a link for the Guests Registration Form that must be completed by every student. We are looking forward to this great opportunity to celebrate what has been a different and difficult year for our students. At the same time, we would like to ensure the safety of everyone in attendance.If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.